Next Show June 23 at Tonga Hut
The Tonga Hut Summer Spectacular parking lot sale and art show is finally here!
Durango's Tacos
DJ Tonga Tom
Art Show
Mug Release!!
And as always DRINK SPECIALS!!!
It’s finally summer and that means it’s time to celebrate! Show up early to get your hands on our new Eekum Bookum mug!
Here are the vendors for the Summer Spectacular:
Tiki Gonzo
Abby Normal Hangings
Black Sands Tiki
Dark Hibiscus Cove
Tiki tOny
Tiki Al
Happy Tiki Shop
Spring Candles
Sven Kirsten
House of Modern Antiques
Ron Monster
Polynesian Punk Art
Kapalua Designs
Drunken Squid
Jungle Ginger
Patrick Quinn
Eric October
Art show lineup so far:
Dan Koskie
Polynesian Punk Art
Eric October
All guests must be 21 and over with a valid ID
see you there!